The side events will take place on Monday, 27 May 2024 and on Tuesday, 28 May 2024. Below, you will find information on the different options available.
Arrival and registration
8.30 - 9.00 hrs | Theatersaal
Side event Multilateral Engagement: Introduction
9.00 - 9.25 hrs | Theatersaal
Introductory Remarks and the Establishment of the Multilateral Engagement Working Group (MLE-WG) and the impact of the Day's Sessions on the Work of the Group
Side event Multilateral Engagement: Session 1 - Harmonising Transdisciplinary Collaboration and Multilateral Funding for Global Sustainability
9.25 - 12.00 hrs | Theatersaal
Multilateral funding tools to address global challenges: The Global Centers Program in Climate Change and Clean Energy
Novel arrangements to foster sustainability research
Side event Multilateral Engagement: Session 2 - Scalling MLE Projects Globaly: Best Practices for Synergy and Inclusion
13.00 - 15.00 hrs | Theatersaal
The Science Granting Councils Initiative in sub-Saharan Africa (SGCI): experiences in public funder capacity-strengthening and network-building
Leveraging regional research council networks for more effective partnerships and greater impact on a global scale
Side event Multilateral Engagement: Session 3 - Towards Equity and Solidarity: Fostering Inclusive and Responsible Cooperation in Global Research
15.00 - 18.10 hrs | Theatersaal
Enhancing Bilateral and Multilateral Collaboration between Large and Small Research Entities
Panel on the topic North-South Partnerships for Effective Decolonization of Science towards Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa
Responsible Internationalization: A funders dialogue towards building reciprocal, impactful and equitable international research partnerchips
Research Software - Challenges and Funding
Parallel side events: Slot 5
8.30 - 10.00 hrs | Theatersaal
Social Sciences and Humanities Integration in Research: The Role of Funding Agencies (A-P)
Parallel side events: Slot 6
8.30 - 10.00 hrs | Ballsaal
Responsible Research Assessment: Strengthening Sustainable Research (MENA/AM)
Parallel side events: Slot 7
13.00 - 15.30 hrs | Theatersaal
Research, Development & Innovation in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - MENA
Parallel side events: Slot 8
13.00 - 15.30 hrs | Ballsaal
Sustainable research infrastructures for a greener future: How can the international scientific community achieve that goal? (EU)
Parallel side events: Slot 9
16.00 - 17.30 hrs | Theatersaal
Working Group Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Parallel side events: Slot 10
16.00 - 17.30 hrs | Ballsaal
Equity in Open Access Publishing (SSA/AM)